Leaders Thrive Here

We create custom coaching experiences for organizations that bring leaders to life.

Leadership is a skillset. It’s not just a position. It’s not just talk. It is embodied. It is a practice. It is a whole-life, whole-person investment.

We move head knowledge to the heart.

We make soft skills tangible and practical.

What we do is not normal. Which means the results you will see are not normal either.

Do you wonder what more is possible?

We have developed a model that will move you to the next level of your life and leadership.

Three arenas: Life, Work and Service

Three postures: Excellence, Vitality, Significance

Twelve Leadership Principles to Explore Together

What’s the ROI, you ask? Increased employee engagement and retention, maximized potential of emerging leaders, a swift goodbye to quiet-quitting, and revitalization of your workplace.

We are talking about transformation that impacts bottom lines and betters lives.

We offer transformational experiences that will change the way you think and lead.

What people are saying…

  • EVERY single element that was presented can be immediately incorporated into my business and life. Life changing. 10 out of 10!!!

    Shelly Conklin, CFO

  • This experience with the Triad was so helpful and insightful. It took the fluff away, and targeted the most important components of leadership. I am so encouraged and fired up to lead my team with fresh reminder of true leadership and culture.

    Christie Mastrolia, Consultant

  • You are the catalyst that changed my mindset. It wasn't abundance vs scarcity. It was life vs death. I know that sounds overly harsh, but my life was changed. If only one person can hear and accept what you guys can do for someone, it will all be worth it.

    Coaching Client

  • What a fantastic workshop! I learned so much about being a better business leader , mentor and spouse. Thank you for sharing these awesome concepts to improve as human beings and business leaders!!

    Nick Westerberg, CEO

  • The Triad workshops are incredibly engaging. I didn’t want to close my eyes in case I’d miss something, and I didn’t zone out one time (amazing!). I loved the questions, take aways and ideas to use with my team.

    Ashley Salzwedel, President

  • I can’t tell you how much I appreciated having clear, actionable, and thorough learning around healthy leadership. The content and delivery were next level.

    Workshop Participant

  • Relevant and carefully chosen content to inspire , educate and coach leaders to always be contemplating how to serve and lead in ways that people will want to emulate . New List Item

    Bethany, Office Manager

  • The content is categorically life changing, challenging, and motivating. The call to self leadership -- “who you ARE is how you lead” is profound. The delivery, passion, and authenticity of these women is powerful. It will inspire you to grow into your best self for the betterment of your team or business, and in your family also.

    Erik Gilbert, MD / CEO

  • Worth every bit of my time and money to be at the Triad event- outstanding!

    Kory Wilson, CEO / DDS

Transformation starts with you.